No Bake Mini Hazelnut Cheesecakes

No Bake Mini Hazelnut Cheesecakes


Creamy, dairy free, hazelnut cheesecakes with protein! These delicious treats are low in calories and carbs and super simple to make.  


Recipe makes 6 mini cheesecakes

Macros per cheesecake (no chocolate drizzle):

136 cals - 8g fat - 8g carbs - 8g protein


Macros per cheesecake with chocolate drizzle:

201 cals - 13g fat - 12g carbs - 9g protein 



300g soft/ silken tofu 

25g vanilla protein

1/3 cup vegan vanilla greek yogurt

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 Zazubean Hazelnut Chocolate Bar (80g), melted 

1/4 tsp salt


Topping, optional (see macros):

3/4 of a Zazubean Hazelnut Chocolate Bar (80g)

1 tsp olive oil 



To a high speed blender add: tofu, vanilla protein, greek yogurt, lemon juice, melted chocolate and salt. Blend until smooth.

Pour the cheesecake mixture into a large silicone ice cube tray (like in the video) or alternatively in a parchment lined freezer safe dish.

Set the cheesecakes in the freezer to firm, 1-2hr minimum.


Melt the chocolate and whisk in olive oil.

Remove cheesecakes from the silicone molds and place on a parchment lined plate.

While completely frozen and easy to handle, dip each one in the chocolate.

Place back on a parchment lined plate and top with sea salt.

Cheesecakes are best kept in the freezer in a sealed container. When ready to eat, simply remove cheesecakes from the freezer 20 minutes prior to serving.





Looking for more high protein plant-based recipes? Make sure to check out the High Protein Vegan Ebook Collection for easy, healthy, meal prep friendly recipes to powder you through your week!

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