Pack For Our Road Trip with Me - Vegan & High Protein Recipes

Pack For Our Road Trip with Me - Vegan & High Protein Recipes

Groceries, meal prep, and snacks I packed for Armin and I to go on a quick road trip to Whistler, B.C.




Let's talk food...

We woke up early to get a head start on our drive to Whistler from Vancouver which meant we would be having coffee and breakfast in the car. To make for an easy car meal I made breakfast the same meal we eat almost everyday anyways, overnight oats. I love overnight oats because it's so easy to stack the protein into them and  hit my 35g+ morning protein target. I went for a simple strawberry vanilla flavour.

While we were away I knew we would be hitting up the lakes around our Air Bnb along with the outdoor pool. To me this meant sandwiches. No cutlery needed, satisfying and most importantly, sandwiches pair perfectly with a salty water side snack. Because I wanted to prep three days worth of sandwiches, I stayed clear of fresh items like tomatoes or cucumbers and stuck to ingredients with meal prep longevity like pesto and arugula for our greens, and crispy baked veggie sausages for protein. 

While I knew we would eat a few things out I still wanted to plan at least one easy dinner we could make while relaxing in the evening. For this meal I brought us a pre-made salad dressing, bagged, pre-chopped lettuce, pickled beets (because YUM) and a simple bake and eat protein option. This dinner salad really hit the spot and will likely be making it into a lazy weekday meal option.


As for Whistler and some of the other eats we ate while away.... 

If you've never been to Whistler, B.C. I definitely recommend the trip. Whistler is absolutely packed with adventure sports like swimming, hiking trails, mountain biking, zip lining, paddle boarding, & skiiing/snowboarding, snow shoeing in the winter. The actual village is a small pedestrian only town with tons of incredible restaurants, shopping, pubs, coffee shops and hotels. We stayed in the Upper Village which was an easy walk to the main village either by trail or street side. 

As for vegan food, you can probably tell we did most of our eating at our Air BnB but we definitely managed to sneak in some treats at these spots:

Pure Bread has an insane pastry case that should not be missed. It isn't a vegan bakery but it has many well marked vegan options. We went twice and tried a curried potato & cauliflower savoury pastry (this was hot out of the oven both times!!!) as well as a double chocolate cupcake piled high with vegan icing. Bonus points: The bakery sits in front of the famous Olympic Plaza which was playing the current 2024 Summer Games on a big outdoor screen at the park. 

Another unique spot we stopped by was %Arabica Coffee. Already well caffeinated we ordered the Japanese Lemonade which you can have with either still water or carbonated. We had it carbonated and it was a super refreshing beverage while wandering around the village in the summer heat. 

For a night time beer stop we went to Dubh Linn Pub where they had a big crowd there watching live Irish music. The atmosphere was a 10/10 that night with a crowd as lively as the musicians. 

And lastly, on our way home from a day at Alta Lake (this place was stunning!) we stopped at the famous Ed's Bred all vegan bakery. We arrived one hour before closing so sadly the bake case was limited for options but were able to grab the final two options they had left: a raspberry cream muffin that was coated in cinnamon sugar, and a chickpea bar with chocolate chips and crunchy peanuts. The bar was good, the muffin was GREAT!! We will definitely prioritize our stop by Ed's Bred to the morning the next time we're in the area so we can try more items.

 All in all Whistler was a tasty and incredibly fun and relaxing stay. We'll definitely head back up there again for more visits and more food :)


Now let's get into these MEAL PREP RECIPES you came for....


Breakfast day one (in the car!):

Strawberry Raspberry Overnight Oats

Recipe makes two servings


2/3 cup oats, blended, I used Wildway Planet Friendly Oats in Raspberrry Chia

4 scoops (two servings) Nuzest Vanilla Protein Save $$$ with aff code: EVANNRYAN

1 1/2 cups soy milk (this amount will vary based on your protein powder)

8 strawberries, chopped 



Add the oats to a blender and pulse until you have oat flour.

Pour oat flour into a bowl.

Add protein powder and 1 cup soy milk. Whisk together. Depending on your protein powder you may need the extra 1/2 cup soy milk, I did.

Pour the overnight oats into two containers.

Top with strawberries. 

Seal and set in the fridge overnight.

Each serving is 30g protein.



Lake Day Lunches:

Sausage Pesto & Feta Sandwiches 

Recipe is for 6 sandwiches (two for me and four for Armin over two days)


6 buns, I've been loving the Keto/Vegan Flax Buns for Island City

6 tbsp pesto, I used a premade pesto from Sunflower Kitchen

6 thick sliced of vegan feta, I used Spread'em Greek Style 

4 sausages, sliced, I used Gusta Foods Italian Seitan Sausages

4 cups arugula 



Preheat the oven to 350 F and line a baking tray with parchment paper.

Slice the sausages in half, then again length wise so you're left with 16 flat pieces.

Spread the sliced sausages across the prepared baking tray and bake until browned and crispy, 14-16 minutes. Alternatively you can pan fry them.

Allow sausages to cool completely.

Slice the buns in half and add pesto the bottom of each bunn.

Top with sausages, then a thick slice of feta cheese, arugula and the other bun.

If desired add pesto to the top bun as well.

Close the sandwiches and add to a sealable container.

Refrigerate until ready to eat!

Each sandwich is 27g protein.


Lake Snacks:

1/2 pint fresh strawberries 

1 container coconut 

1 Sea Salt & Vinegar Good Crisp Company Chips 


 Quick Dinner Salad:

Recipe makes two salads


1 bag chopped lettuce

2 Gardein Ultimate Plant-Based Chick'n Filets

1 package Love Beets White Wine Balsamic Beets (obsesssssssed with these!!)

2 servings Yeshi Caesar Dressing



Cook chick'n according to package directions. 

Divide the lettuce among two bowls.

Chop the beets and top each salad with them.

Drizzle the dressing over each.

Toss the salads coating everything in dressing.

Slice your baked chick'n filets and add to salad.

Top with cracked black pepper.

Each salad was roughly 25g of protein.


Let me know if you make any of these!

Now on to the next adventure..... 





Looking for more protein packed plant-based meal prep recipes?! Make sure to check out the High Protein Vegan Ebook Collection for tons of healthy recipes!

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